Hercules Water Transfer Pumps
The HERCULES is a high pressure and high volume water transfer pump with a 3" outlet. It has a capability to deliver a massive 35L/sec or a high 63m
head. This pump has a reputation as a serious water transfer pump and HERCULES-E30 directly coupled with Honda GX390 and Honda GX630 petrol
driven application. The HERCULES-M30 pumps can be direct coupled or belt driven with electric motor from 13HP to 15HP Motor. The casing is made
as Standard marine grade aluminum (LM6) and with a solid SS 304 (CF-8 Material) impeller. All suction and discharge ports and impeller are made from
a SS304 (CF-8 Material). Suction 3" & 4" available. This pump is fully Indian made and is strong enough for any heavy duty use and also salt water